Mental health

Mental health

Mental health

December 17, 2023

Self Sabotage: I think this is me

Self sabotaging?

I have often heard clients describe themselves in this way "I think I am self-sabotaging", "I keep doing it and I don't know why, it's ruining my life/marriage/joy , you fill in the blanks.

At it's most basic we can understand it to be when we are engaging in behaviours that are obstacles to personal growth; it is the things that hinder your own progress or connection with others. It is when we engage in self-destructive actions as a way to cope with or numb our emotions. There is no one size fits all, your obstacle is yours alone. Things that have come up with clients I have worked with are

  • Addictions that are getting in the way of work/connection with others/ connection to self,

  • Negative self-talk-in the form of punishing self criticism e.g You can't do that!" "You don't deserve that." "If you try, you'll probably just fail anyway." "you are doing this to yourself, this is all you, you can only blame yourself"

We do things, helpful or unhelpful for a reason. Self-sabotage can occur for various reasons, including fear of failure, low self-esteem, self-doubt, or a subconscious resistance to change.

Am I self sabtoaging?

In the demanding realms of healthcare or high-pressure corporate endeavours, the pursuit of success often becomes a relentless journey. We reach one milstone and we strive for the next., the goalposts are forever moving.

If you find yourself here, it's likely you've been grappling with a persistent sense of unfulfillment, wondering why despite your best efforts, success seems just out of reach. Acknowledging these subtle yet impactful patterns is the first step toward reclaiming control and fostering positive change. See my other article on self-sabotage-how-to-stop for more information.

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